Friday, August 14, 2015

6 Games To Play When Getting Bored

All of us get bored sometimes and we have nothing to do. So, I have got some easy and fun games arranged randomly to play with your family, friends, etc.

6. Name Place Animal Thing 

A great game to play while getting bored. The rules are simple all you need to do is to gather some friends and give each one a page with 5 columns - Points, Name, Place, Animal, Thing. Now anyone has to call a random letter or according to their turn. Then everyone would have to fill the Name, Place, Animal, Thing columns. Each column consist of 5 points. But 5 points would be deducted of the players who have written the same word in same column. For ex.- If someone have written America in the place column and someone else have also written America in the place column, then 5 points would be deducted of both the players. And the player with the most points win.

5. Zero and Cross

Better known as Tic Tac Toe this game is a pleasant fun to play while getting bored. The rules are that two players would get their turn one by one. One player has to draw a zero and the other would draw a cross. The one who gets three zeros or crosses drawn horizontally, vertically or slantingly would win.
Refer ro picture for better explaination.

4. The Movie Game

All you you need to do is to create two lines intersecting at a point and in the 1st part you have to write the first letter of the lead actor of the movie, in the second part the first letter of the lead actress, the first letter of the song in the third part and in the last part write the first letter of the Movie. And all the others would have to guess each part one by one.

3. Bingo

This is a simple game between two players. Each one would make a separate box with Bingo written vertically and 1 to 25 numbers written in random order as in the picture. Now one has to call a number and both of them would the numbers then the second player would call a number and then both of them would cut the number in their respective boxes. The first player who would make a line by consecutively cutting the numbers vertically, horizontally or slantingly would win. Refer ro picture for better explaination.

2. King Queen Thief Soldier

This game is for 4 players in which 4 piece of papers consisting of King, Queen, Thief, Soldier written on them. Then they should be properly folded so that no one can see what's inside and then the folded papers would be thrown randomly and each player would take one paper. The one who gets the king would get 1000 points. Then the player who get queen would have to find out who is the thief and who is the soldier from the two remaining players as they would not tell which paper they have got. If the queen gets it right then the player would be given 500 points and the soldier and thief would get 250 and 100 points respectively but if the player gets it wrong then he will get 100 points and the soldier and thief would get 300 and 200 points respectively. Like this the turns would be made and the players with the most points in the end willl win.

1. Truth and Dare

In this game the players would turn a thing like a pen or a bottle and the player towards which the thing would point have to choose truth or dare. Then the other players would ask him a question if he chooses truth. The question can be of any kind like from his personal or professional life. And the player have to answer it correctly. And if the players choose dare then the other players would give him a task to do and he has to complete it successfully.

Having some more games to play while getting bored then tell me about them in the comments.

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